
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

N.B.B.H.C. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program Announces Launch of New Site and Free Scholarship Reward Program

N.B.B.H.C. a drug and alcohol treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida announces the launching of their new site. They are also offering the potential opportunity of a loved one to be provided a free scholarship to their drug treatment program.

N.B.B.H.C. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Fort Lauderdale, Florida is announcing the launch of their new website and offering a potential opportunity for a loved one to be scholar-shipped into their program.

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We at NBBHC understand that it is not easy to handle a loved one with the disease of drug and alcohol addiction, so to further combat the disease we are offering an opportunity for loved ones to come down to Florida and receive treatment.

According to studies done with Alcoholics and Addicts; the almost 10,000 that have relocated from the northeast region like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Maryland, and others from all over the world, they had felt they had a better opportunity to start their lives over once fully treated clinically and had relocated geographically. Although Addicts and Alcoholics deal with a cunning, baffling, and powerful disease, there is hope of recovery if the willingness is there. We offer the opportunity of a free scholarship for the family who want to help their loved one suffering from Alcoholism or Addiction, but do not have the means to provide them with the opportunity. NBBHC drug and alcohol treatment program also offers a payment plan for families and it is based on a sliding scale. We also accept most insurance and you can call 954-900-4260 for details.

NBBHC is affiliated with 5 local halfway houses and also 3 major detox facilities. We will provide transportation to and from meetings throughout the week and help the client to establish a sober network within the recovery community. We provide Long Term Treatment, which tiers down from Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient, and Out Patient. Once a client leaves our facility to attempt to lead and live a healthy and productive lifestyle, we do not give up on them. We are on hand for the rest of their lives to support them in any way possible for us to do so.

We understand that a lot of parents don't know what to do with their children and have been hurt by the manipulation that ensues after loved one is in the midst of their addiction. We also provide support to the families and direct them to Family Anonymous where they can find comfort in the ability to share with other family’s that have been down their same path and to work through the guilt, shame, remorse, and anger that follows the actions of a loved one that suffers from Alcoholism or Drug Addiction.

At NBBHC, you’ll find the most comprehensive and sophisticated Drug and Alcohol treatment program available. Our teams of drug and alcohol treatment professionals are on staff to help you and your loved one to free themselves from the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction. Our program is based on a 4 tier step down module, where in the beginning the client after having an initial assessment may need a detox, if detox is unnecessary the client will join our P.H.P. (also known as day treatment), I.O.P. or Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment Program, and OP or Outpatient which is individualized therapy. The strongest foundation in NBBHC’s program is we never give up on our clients. We understand that having a family member afflicted with addiction is not very easy to deal with and we want to help the family rest at ease knowing that their loved one is in good hands. At NBBHC we understand that the pain a loved one can cause due to their active addiction is unfathomable and we also provide counseling for the family as well. The focus is on developing those life skills to mane the root causes of addiction and teaching the client coping skills to handle the typically normal stresses everyday life can throw at us and teach them to work through the urges and cravings that alcoholism or drug addiction can cause. We also teach our clients to develop a network of people in the 12 step programs that are living healthy and productive lives.

Don’t Give Up Hope
If you or a loved one is suffering from an active addiction, Please don’t give up hope.
We are here to help
Call us NOW for FREE professional advice
1 954 900 4260

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