
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Drug Addiction Epidemic and Healthcare Crisis

With different states varying with different types of addiction, the question is will Obama Care provide the help needed to combat the disease of addiction? The north east is being bombarded with Heroin and other drug overdoses and there are many other pockets of the country that have given rise to a Heroin crisis.
This article; inspired by what we have been seeing and it isn’t pretty. People give us a call to get help and we can’t offer it within their out of state area. You see the way the low income plans are structured have similarity to Medicaid in the sense that they will only offer funding for in state Substance Abuse Recovery Programs. The problem is most of the people we have interviewed have been calling these state run programs and they are filled up with no hopes in sight of actually ever receiving a bed inside their detox or recovery program.
New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida was perplexed with this issue so we offered a scholarship reward program, where a patient can write us a letter on why they are willing to do whatever it takes to recover and as long as they can provide their own transportation to Florida we will allow them to receive a scholarship into our program. The issue is what about the other people looking for treatment that really have the willingness and desire to recover from a hopeless state of mind and body.
We have put together a multiple option payment plan based on family income and whether or not they have insurance that will cover a client’s drug or alcohol treatment. Where most companies charge $1200.00 per day we are offering 90 days of treatment for a far better price making it affordable for a family to get help for their loved one struggling with addiction and needing immediate help with their substance abuse. We also accept most major insurance as well.
N.B.B.H.C. is a Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, and Outpatient Program specializing in addiction treatment. Once a client fly’s down here, we have a driver pick them up from the airport and our doctor performs our initial intake assessment of the patient then the patient is driven over to their local lodging and transported to treatment every morning or afternoon with the schedule depending on our doctor’s assessment. Our patients are provided meals while they are on treatment center grounds with a relaxation room for those just needing a little R & R in between group sessions.
We at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center want each one of our clients to feel comfortable with opening up and getting down to the crux of the issue which is causing their addiction or alcoholism. Once a client leaves our program they become a member of our alumni program in which they receive a monthly phone call checking in to see how they are doing.
N.B.B.H.C. Fort Lauderdale is Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program which caters to men and woman who suffer from chemical dependency and functions as 4 phase treatment process which breaks down from Detox (if necessary), Partial Hospitalization Program or Day Program, Intensive out Patient Treatment, and OP or Outpatient after care which is the phase catered to client’s individual needs after they graduate the Partial Hospitalization Program or complete the Intensive out Patient.
Our staff has many years’ experience in the addiction field and our primary purpose is to help those under our care to achieve long term recovery so that they may live their lives as active members of everyday society.
Don’t Give Up Hope
If you or a loved one is suffering from an active addiction, Please don’t give up hope.
We are here to help
Call us NOW for FREE professional advice

+ 1 954 900 4260

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

N.B.B.H.C. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program Announces Launch of New Site and Free Scholarship Reward Program

N.B.B.H.C. a drug and alcohol treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida announces the launching of their new site. They are also offering the potential opportunity of a loved one to be provided a free scholarship to their drug treatment program.

N.B.B.H.C. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Fort Lauderdale, Florida is announcing the launch of their new website and offering a potential opportunity for a loved one to be scholar-shipped into their program.

Visit us at 

We at NBBHC understand that it is not easy to handle a loved one with the disease of drug and alcohol addiction, so to further combat the disease we are offering an opportunity for loved ones to come down to Florida and receive treatment.

According to studies done with Alcoholics and Addicts; the almost 10,000 that have relocated from the northeast region like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Maryland, and others from all over the world, they had felt they had a better opportunity to start their lives over once fully treated clinically and had relocated geographically. Although Addicts and Alcoholics deal with a cunning, baffling, and powerful disease, there is hope of recovery if the willingness is there. We offer the opportunity of a free scholarship for the family who want to help their loved one suffering from Alcoholism or Addiction, but do not have the means to provide them with the opportunity. NBBHC drug and alcohol treatment program also offers a payment plan for families and it is based on a sliding scale. We also accept most insurance and you can call 954-900-4260 for details.

NBBHC is affiliated with 5 local halfway houses and also 3 major detox facilities. We will provide transportation to and from meetings throughout the week and help the client to establish a sober network within the recovery community. We provide Long Term Treatment, which tiers down from Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient, and Out Patient. Once a client leaves our facility to attempt to lead and live a healthy and productive lifestyle, we do not give up on them. We are on hand for the rest of their lives to support them in any way possible for us to do so.

We understand that a lot of parents don't know what to do with their children and have been hurt by the manipulation that ensues after loved one is in the midst of their addiction. We also provide support to the families and direct them to Family Anonymous where they can find comfort in the ability to share with other family’s that have been down their same path and to work through the guilt, shame, remorse, and anger that follows the actions of a loved one that suffers from Alcoholism or Drug Addiction.

At NBBHC, you’ll find the most comprehensive and sophisticated Drug and Alcohol treatment program available. Our teams of drug and alcohol treatment professionals are on staff to help you and your loved one to free themselves from the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction. Our program is based on a 4 tier step down module, where in the beginning the client after having an initial assessment may need a detox, if detox is unnecessary the client will join our P.H.P. (also known as day treatment), I.O.P. or Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment Program, and OP or Outpatient which is individualized therapy. The strongest foundation in NBBHC’s program is we never give up on our clients. We understand that having a family member afflicted with addiction is not very easy to deal with and we want to help the family rest at ease knowing that their loved one is in good hands. At NBBHC we understand that the pain a loved one can cause due to their active addiction is unfathomable and we also provide counseling for the family as well. The focus is on developing those life skills to mane the root causes of addiction and teaching the client coping skills to handle the typically normal stresses everyday life can throw at us and teach them to work through the urges and cravings that alcoholism or drug addiction can cause. We also teach our clients to develop a network of people in the 12 step programs that are living healthy and productive lives.

Don’t Give Up Hope
If you or a loved one is suffering from an active addiction, Please don’t give up hope.
We are here to help
Call us NOW for FREE professional advice
1 954 900 4260

Monday, March 3, 2014

New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center Emerges to free your loved ones of the Debacle of People, Places, and Things.

We are giving your loved ones a second chance at life in the most weather friendly place in the U.S. to recover from a hopeless state of mind and body. Recovery is possible and we know this as a fact, because we have seen it before our very eyes.
New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center of Fort Lauderdale provides a long term 4 tier Detox, Partial Hospitalization Program. Intensive Out-Patient, Out Patient, and Group Counseling Process and in that order. We have a structured environment where after the patient goes through an initial assessment by our Medical Doctor they will be placed into our program with a proper strategy to help jump start their recovery. We have seen many people go through the disease of addiction, including the founder of out Treatment Center and the only way we see a person ever recovering is to never give up on them. However; being parents and loved ones of people that suffer from this disease, we understand that dealing with the situation of a drug addict is very hard for a family to go through and this is why we are putting our program out there and offering assistance.
The fact is that the youth has a major epidemic blowing up in their face and all those that are affected by their actions. Heroin is plaguing the east coast, very similar to the movie American Gangster. However; this time it is wider spread and being cut with ingredients that kill! This is why we can’t stress enough to not give up on your loved one, but show love from afar, meaning if you are in the north east; the south east isn’t as saturated with Heroin as the north. Where sure you have heard your loved one say, “this place doesn’t work, I am signing myself out”. This isn’t going to work when they are over 1000 miles away because they have nothing else to do, but to comply with what is laid out in front of them and what has been proven to work.
New beginnings Behavioral Health Center of Fort Lauderdale offers something that most people cannot offer, a second chance at life. We would like you to check out our Websites for more information and if you would like more information on addiction you can access our search feature at . The fact remains they and you may need help, so for a free consultation Please Call us and we can help you find the right fit for you Call 954-900-4260.
We would like to provide you with a message from our founder to help you better understand where our experience comes from.
Founder of New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center
      Hi, my name is Irving Port. I’m the founder of New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center. I opened NBBHC in 2013 because of my deep desire to save the lives of people who are suffering from alcohol and drug dependency. Our breakthrough program evolved from my harrowing experience with my grandson’s addiction.
      My grandson has been in 3 inpatient residential facilities, six outpatient programs, and now is currently in his third sober home. While these various programs have offered us substantial hope, that hope quickly faded away with each relapse. The financial waste and emotional turmoil this caused for each member of my family was traumatic.
      I started this program to fill the flaws I found with each other program my grandson attended. We do NOT believe in substituting one drug for another, except during detox for a brief period. When my grandson left these facilities, he was on 3 or 4 drugs prescribed by the facility psychiatrist. He then became dependent on these drugs.
Most importantly, my idea to start NBBHC arose because I wanted to offer people a life-long system of support, not a program that completely cuts off our patients as soon as they’re done with the program. When my grandson departed these facilities, he was left with no support. They took our money, said our grandson was doing great, and sent him out into the world, never to inquire about his well-being again. Here at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center, we stress the importance of our Aftercare program, which offers proper support services to maintain sobriety. Once you are in our program, you are part of our family forever.

Irving Port

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Drug Over Dose Statistics in the North East - Find Drug Treatment first step at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center

In New Jersey, overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death. Almost 6,000
people have died from drug overdoses in New Jersey since 2004. More than 700 people died
from drug overdoses in New Jersey in 2009 alone. Opioids were involved in more than 75
percent of drug overdose deaths in New Jersey in 2009. The five counties with the highest
numbers of drug overdose deaths are Camden, Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean.
2009 Overdose Deaths in New Jersey
• A total of 752 people died in New Jersey from drug overdoses
• 180 people died from prescription opioid overdose
• 110 people died from heroin overdose
• 80 people died from cocaine overdose
• 50 people died from a combination of prescription opioids, heroin and cocaine
• 109 people died from prescription opioids and heroin
• 55 people died from prescription opioids and cocaine
• 65 people died from a combination of heroin and cocaine
• Other drugs accounted for 103 overdose deaths
2009 Overdose Deaths by County
• Atlantic—48
• Bergen—32
• Burlington—35
• Camden—97
• Cape May—15
• Cumberland—13
• Essex—81
2009 Overdose Deaths by Gender
• Women—208
• Men—543
2009 Overdose Deaths by Race
• Non Hispanic White—559
• Non Hispanic Black—133
• Hispanic—54
• Asian or Pacific Islander—2
• Gloucester—36
• Hudson—41
• Hunterdon—3
• Mercer—22
• Middlesex—73
• Monmouth—69
• Morris—28
• Ocean—63
• Passaic—28
• Salem—4
• Somerset—12
• Sussex—8
• Union—34
• Warren—10
Courtesy of nj20map20stats
These are pretty alarming since this is 2009 read, but it should be a rude awakening for a lot of parents.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Our Children are dying from an influx of Heroin. If something isn’t done they will die!

It was July the 16th 2009, I was Reaching out to a local treatment center trying to get in for almost 2 months. They told me to call in every morning to make sure a bed is available. I had a major addiction to Oxy Codone and I was a magnet for illegal drug activity. I had been in and out of programs for years, but I always thought I knew better than everyone else; so whatever they told me went in one ear and out the other.  The real issue lay in the fact that this time I didn't
know how bad I was. You see when I was a younger age of 12 and 13 I was a major alcoholic and pot head, but I never dabbled in what I thought were the extreme drugs like Cocaine and Heroin. I had gotten into a car accident when I was 17 and started seeing doctors who were very quick to prescribe pain killers. Not that it was the majority of the doctors I’d been seeing fault, because I was getting to be very manipulative and suffering flu symptoms. I told a friend about the flu symptoms one day about the feeling sick and he had asked me when the last time I had a pill was? I told him that it had been two days since I had last had one.  He responded, “DUDE! Your dope sick! You don’t have the flu! I said, “This isn't dope though.” He responded, “ Yes, but it is synthetic dope.” It was then that I realized I was in for a long ride. I went through 4-5 long years of torturing myself.  I had been in the hospital for detox approximately 10 times and to treatment quite a few more until they couldn't get the insurance to pay anymore and I was kicked out after three days of being in there.
This is where I found myself begging for a bed in a state run detox.  I had reached out to an old friend that had gone to Florida for treatment and asked him what he had done to get better, so he gave me numbers of two guys Brett and Joey that had run a treatment center in South Florida. I called them and they said all I had to do was go into a detox and be cleared to stay down at their Halfway House. It was 7:45 PM July 16th 2009 I was picking my mother up from the local hospital she worked at. To this point my mother had most likely accepted the fact I was going to die of drug addiction. I begged my mom to please reach out to anyone she knew at the detox to get me in. This was after I had begged God a few minutes before she had gotten into the car. It was a miracle, because I was told to show up within the half hour and I was let in for detox. Mind you at this point they only tested for heroin and not oxy codone so I had to detox cold turkey. After 3 and 1/2 days of detoxing they told me that I was cleared to go and I hopped on a plane to West Palm Beach and never looked back. I was given a second chance and I hope the same for and Man, Woman, or Child.  
This is why I am writing this short story, because the state of the Jersey Shore area has completely changed and Heroin is more prominent than ever before. It is bad enough that from my formal investigation for writing & blogging purposes I have been introduced to children that are 7 – 18 years old dealing Heroin. Some would say throw these kids in jail and they may learn, but I could tell you from experience that if you want your child or loved one acting like a convict lock him or her up with some. I could tell you that the chances of your child or loved one running into Heroin in Florida are less likely, because it is less prominent.  You’re facing a bigger danger with your children because they are all traveling to places closest to the ports and bringing it back to their hometown, which is trafficking. Trafficking to their home towns of Highlands, Middletown, Red Bank, Hazlet, Howell, Keansburg, and many other towns; then are distributing it to more kids. The fact remains that these kids need help!!!!!
I am here to make sure that the parents of these towns know that there are options available to get them out of here to a safer place until this blows over. This will blow over, but not before a lot more people die which is unfortunate, but reality.
There is a choice and after 5 years July 18th I can tell you that the decision to go to Florida was the best one I have ever made in my life. If you would like to at least speak to someone about the opportunity or see if your insurance is accepted please call New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center based in Fort Lauderdale Florida on the Beach @ 1 954 900 4260. I am here to save your kids and I can be contacted @ . I am up in this area right now delivering kids to get a second chance at life.
Hi, my name is Irving Port. I’m the founder of New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center. I opened N.B.B.H.C. in 2013 because of my deep desire to save the lives of people who are suffering from alcohol and drug dependency. Our breakthrough program evolved from my harrowing experience with my grandson’s addiction.
My grandson has been in 3 inpatient residential facilities, six outpatient programs, and now is currently in his third sober home. While these various program have offered us substantial hope, that hope quickly faded away with each relapse. The financial waste and emotional turmoil this caused for each member of my family was traumatic.
I started this program to fill the flaws I found with each other program my grandson attended. First and foremost, we are NOT a dual diagnosis facility. We do NOT believe in substituting one drug for another, except during detox for a brief period. When my grandson left these facilities, he was on 3 or 4 drugs prescribed by the facility psychiatrist. He then became dependent on these drugs. Most importantly, my idea to start N.B.B.H.C. arose because I wanted to offer people a life-long system of support, not a program that completely cuts off our patients as soon as they’re done with the program. When my grandson departed these facilities, he was left with no support. They took our money, said our grandson was doing great, and sent him out into the world, never to inquire about his well-being again. Here at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center, we stress the importance of our Aftercare program, which offers proper support services to maintain sobriety. Once you are in our program, you are part of our family forever.