
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Drug Addiction Epidemic and Healthcare Crisis

With different states varying with different types of addiction, the question is will Obama Care provide the help needed to combat the disease of addiction? The north east is being bombarded with Heroin and other drug overdoses and there are many other pockets of the country that have given rise to a Heroin crisis.
This article; inspired by what we have been seeing and it isn’t pretty. People give us a call to get help and we can’t offer it within their out of state area. You see the way the low income plans are structured have similarity to Medicaid in the sense that they will only offer funding for in state Substance Abuse Recovery Programs. The problem is most of the people we have interviewed have been calling these state run programs and they are filled up with no hopes in sight of actually ever receiving a bed inside their detox or recovery program.
New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida was perplexed with this issue so we offered a scholarship reward program, where a patient can write us a letter on why they are willing to do whatever it takes to recover and as long as they can provide their own transportation to Florida we will allow them to receive a scholarship into our program. The issue is what about the other people looking for treatment that really have the willingness and desire to recover from a hopeless state of mind and body.
We have put together a multiple option payment plan based on family income and whether or not they have insurance that will cover a client’s drug or alcohol treatment. Where most companies charge $1200.00 per day we are offering 90 days of treatment for a far better price making it affordable for a family to get help for their loved one struggling with addiction and needing immediate help with their substance abuse. We also accept most major insurance as well.
N.B.B.H.C. is a Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, and Outpatient Program specializing in addiction treatment. Once a client fly’s down here, we have a driver pick them up from the airport and our doctor performs our initial intake assessment of the patient then the patient is driven over to their local lodging and transported to treatment every morning or afternoon with the schedule depending on our doctor’s assessment. Our patients are provided meals while they are on treatment center grounds with a relaxation room for those just needing a little R & R in between group sessions.
We at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center want each one of our clients to feel comfortable with opening up and getting down to the crux of the issue which is causing their addiction or alcoholism. Once a client leaves our program they become a member of our alumni program in which they receive a monthly phone call checking in to see how they are doing.
N.B.B.H.C. Fort Lauderdale is Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program which caters to men and woman who suffer from chemical dependency and functions as 4 phase treatment process which breaks down from Detox (if necessary), Partial Hospitalization Program or Day Program, Intensive out Patient Treatment, and OP or Outpatient after care which is the phase catered to client’s individual needs after they graduate the Partial Hospitalization Program or complete the Intensive out Patient.
Our staff has many years’ experience in the addiction field and our primary purpose is to help those under our care to achieve long term recovery so that they may live their lives as active members of everyday society.
Don’t Give Up Hope
If you or a loved one is suffering from an active addiction, Please don’t give up hope.
We are here to help
Call us NOW for FREE professional advice

+ 1 954 900 4260