
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Drug Over Dose Statistics in the North East - Find Drug Treatment first step at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center

In New Jersey, overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death. Almost 6,000
people have died from drug overdoses in New Jersey since 2004. More than 700 people died
from drug overdoses in New Jersey in 2009 alone. Opioids were involved in more than 75
percent of drug overdose deaths in New Jersey in 2009. The five counties with the highest
numbers of drug overdose deaths are Camden, Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean.
2009 Overdose Deaths in New Jersey
• A total of 752 people died in New Jersey from drug overdoses
• 180 people died from prescription opioid overdose
• 110 people died from heroin overdose
• 80 people died from cocaine overdose
• 50 people died from a combination of prescription opioids, heroin and cocaine
• 109 people died from prescription opioids and heroin
• 55 people died from prescription opioids and cocaine
• 65 people died from a combination of heroin and cocaine
• Other drugs accounted for 103 overdose deaths
2009 Overdose Deaths by County
• Atlantic—48
• Bergen—32
• Burlington—35
• Camden—97
• Cape May—15
• Cumberland—13
• Essex—81
2009 Overdose Deaths by Gender
• Women—208
• Men—543
2009 Overdose Deaths by Race
• Non Hispanic White—559
• Non Hispanic Black—133
• Hispanic—54
• Asian or Pacific Islander—2
• Gloucester—36
• Hudson—41
• Hunterdon—3
• Mercer—22
• Middlesex—73
• Monmouth—69
• Morris—28
• Ocean—63
• Passaic—28
• Salem—4
• Somerset—12
• Sussex—8
• Union—34
• Warren—10
Courtesy of nj20map20stats
These are pretty alarming since this is 2009 read, but it should be a rude awakening for a lot of parents.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Our Children are dying from an influx of Heroin. If something isn’t done they will die!

It was July the 16th 2009, I was Reaching out to a local treatment center trying to get in for almost 2 months. They told me to call in every morning to make sure a bed is available. I had a major addiction to Oxy Codone and I was a magnet for illegal drug activity. I had been in and out of programs for years, but I always thought I knew better than everyone else; so whatever they told me went in one ear and out the other.  The real issue lay in the fact that this time I didn't
know how bad I was. You see when I was a younger age of 12 and 13 I was a major alcoholic and pot head, but I never dabbled in what I thought were the extreme drugs like Cocaine and Heroin. I had gotten into a car accident when I was 17 and started seeing doctors who were very quick to prescribe pain killers. Not that it was the majority of the doctors I’d been seeing fault, because I was getting to be very manipulative and suffering flu symptoms. I told a friend about the flu symptoms one day about the feeling sick and he had asked me when the last time I had a pill was? I told him that it had been two days since I had last had one.  He responded, “DUDE! Your dope sick! You don’t have the flu! I said, “This isn't dope though.” He responded, “ Yes, but it is synthetic dope.” It was then that I realized I was in for a long ride. I went through 4-5 long years of torturing myself.  I had been in the hospital for detox approximately 10 times and to treatment quite a few more until they couldn't get the insurance to pay anymore and I was kicked out after three days of being in there.
This is where I found myself begging for a bed in a state run detox.  I had reached out to an old friend that had gone to Florida for treatment and asked him what he had done to get better, so he gave me numbers of two guys Brett and Joey that had run a treatment center in South Florida. I called them and they said all I had to do was go into a detox and be cleared to stay down at their Halfway House. It was 7:45 PM July 16th 2009 I was picking my mother up from the local hospital she worked at. To this point my mother had most likely accepted the fact I was going to die of drug addiction. I begged my mom to please reach out to anyone she knew at the detox to get me in. This was after I had begged God a few minutes before she had gotten into the car. It was a miracle, because I was told to show up within the half hour and I was let in for detox. Mind you at this point they only tested for heroin and not oxy codone so I had to detox cold turkey. After 3 and 1/2 days of detoxing they told me that I was cleared to go and I hopped on a plane to West Palm Beach and never looked back. I was given a second chance and I hope the same for and Man, Woman, or Child.  
This is why I am writing this short story, because the state of the Jersey Shore area has completely changed and Heroin is more prominent than ever before. It is bad enough that from my formal investigation for writing & blogging purposes I have been introduced to children that are 7 – 18 years old dealing Heroin. Some would say throw these kids in jail and they may learn, but I could tell you from experience that if you want your child or loved one acting like a convict lock him or her up with some. I could tell you that the chances of your child or loved one running into Heroin in Florida are less likely, because it is less prominent.  You’re facing a bigger danger with your children because they are all traveling to places closest to the ports and bringing it back to their hometown, which is trafficking. Trafficking to their home towns of Highlands, Middletown, Red Bank, Hazlet, Howell, Keansburg, and many other towns; then are distributing it to more kids. The fact remains that these kids need help!!!!!
I am here to make sure that the parents of these towns know that there are options available to get them out of here to a safer place until this blows over. This will blow over, but not before a lot more people die which is unfortunate, but reality.
There is a choice and after 5 years July 18th I can tell you that the decision to go to Florida was the best one I have ever made in my life. If you would like to at least speak to someone about the opportunity or see if your insurance is accepted please call New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center based in Fort Lauderdale Florida on the Beach @ 1 954 900 4260. I am here to save your kids and I can be contacted @ . I am up in this area right now delivering kids to get a second chance at life.
Hi, my name is Irving Port. I’m the founder of New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center. I opened N.B.B.H.C. in 2013 because of my deep desire to save the lives of people who are suffering from alcohol and drug dependency. Our breakthrough program evolved from my harrowing experience with my grandson’s addiction.
My grandson has been in 3 inpatient residential facilities, six outpatient programs, and now is currently in his third sober home. While these various program have offered us substantial hope, that hope quickly faded away with each relapse. The financial waste and emotional turmoil this caused for each member of my family was traumatic.
I started this program to fill the flaws I found with each other program my grandson attended. First and foremost, we are NOT a dual diagnosis facility. We do NOT believe in substituting one drug for another, except during detox for a brief period. When my grandson left these facilities, he was on 3 or 4 drugs prescribed by the facility psychiatrist. He then became dependent on these drugs. Most importantly, my idea to start N.B.B.H.C. arose because I wanted to offer people a life-long system of support, not a program that completely cuts off our patients as soon as they’re done with the program. When my grandson departed these facilities, he was left with no support. They took our money, said our grandson was doing great, and sent him out into the world, never to inquire about his well-being again. Here at New Beginnings Behavioral Health Center, we stress the importance of our Aftercare program, which offers proper support services to maintain sobriety. Once you are in our program, you are part of our family forever.